I'm a competitor; someone who strives to be the best in whatever I am involved in both professionally and in my personal life. I take pride in providing solutions to problems, both cookie cutter and out of the box. I'm known for keeping my cool and helping my team or clients through tough situations.
When I'm not coding, you're likely to find me in the sand, playing volleyball, or traveling around North Carolina.
For my work history, please see my LinkedIn. For coding samples, keep scrolling, you're almost there!
Search for Charlotte craft beers by brewery, area, or style
Developer's dictionary and interactive reference guide.
A node.js app designed to take specific arguments and return results from three APIs
RecRec recommends activities based on weather at your selected location in the United States
The best personality test for Australians! Take the test to find your new best friend. G'day Mate!
This app allows users to place orders and as orders are placed, stock from the store's inventory database updates.
Page layout via tables with image change on hover. Completed in 2013. Partially responsive design.
Page layout for a volleyball event web application. Full website coming soon...
Mock train scheduler that shows you the arrival time of trains in your area and allows user to add new trains
Web app connected to the Giphy API. Will show you popular gifs based on a keyword of your choice
Timed trivia game based on the tv show The Office. Test your knowledge!
A game where the user selects crystals which add to a numeric total in an effort to match a predefined number